Kids of Courage
Throughout the Bible, God reminds His children of HIs faithfulness to those who had gone before them (Deuteronomy 6:20-25). Christians encouraged each other with stories of obedience and loyalty to God under pressure (Hebrews 10), and witnessed to others using stories of bold believers (Acts 7).
Kids of Courage is a VBS curriculum designed by The Voice of the Martyrs for kids K-6th grade. It provides examples of courageous Christians and leads kids to reach out to persecuted believers with prayer and action. Students are introduced to Christians their age - real Kids of Courage at risk for their faith today in five countries: China, Egypt, Nigeria, North Korea, and India. They learn how to pray for those who suffer for their faith, and how to become Kids of Courage themselves.
Monday, July 29th - Friday, August 2nd
5:00-7:30 pm
Pre-K thru 6th Grade
(Grades reflect the 2023-2024 school year)